Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Comment on Editorial #1

The original editorial posted by my fellow classmate was nothing short of a thorough and well developed argument. In this editorial, the author discussed many issues that have come to surface with our Republican Presidential nominee. Donald Trump, as stated in my editorial, is a man who has stirred up a lot of controversy over several issues. In this editorial, these issues are discussed in a thorough manner, using sources to back up the argument. A great point made by the author was Trump's impulsiveness which is has been obviously seen in the duration of his campaign. A great point was made in comparing Trump's finances to the finances of this nation. This nation is in major debt, and if Trump can not seem to handle his own expenses, what makes one think that he could be in charge of the entire nation's finances? The second point made by the author that is crucial in why Trump should not be president is that he is a racist. At this time and age,there is no reason for a president to be racist. It is insulting to a large portion of people making up the American population. Overall, I really enjoyed this editorial and recommend it to be read by everyone because it really highlights the issues with Donald Trump as a presidential candidate.

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