It seem as though in the midst of our world, havoc has been brought upon the world in many places. In the past year or so there have been several terrorist attacks across the world. On November 13th, 2015 there were multiple brutal bombing in Paris that left 130 dead and over a 100 in critical condition according to
BBC News. Then Belgium was held under a terrorist attack on March 22nd 2016, which left 31 people dead and 300 more people injured according to
CNN. Then recently, our own Orlando, Florida was victimized as Pulse Nightclub was held under a massive shooting that left 49 dead and 53 injured, making this shooting the most massive in our nation according to
All of the events were tragic and heartbreaking to hear. Personally, after each of these tragedies when I heard about them my heart immediately dropped and it hurt to hear about this. My heart hurt for all the victims, family and people who were involved. It was something I never wanted to hear, nor does anyone in their right state of mind want to hear either. It is horrific. Something that lifted my heart a little, and I'm sure it did others, was seeing the support from all around the world for these countries that had been attacked. Paris is a famous one because they will light the Eiffel Tower the same colors as these flags.
After Orlando |
After Paris |
After Brussels |
It was a beautiful act for in the midst of other countries' crisis, for the world to come together and support those in need. From there I began to think that this support should not have to be temporary. There are terrorist groups out in the world that are gaining momentum and beginning to become more and more violent. It must stop. There must be peace for the protection and security of our world. It would be a smart and unionizing idea for countries around the world to stand together against these terrorist groups. The United States is strong and has a large military, but it will be stronger with an alliance with governments around the world to stop these horrid terrorist groups. This in and of itself could bring some peace and unity in our world which is much needed. A strong alliance is what could very likely be the answer to diminishing these terrorist groups as well as develop strong diplomatic relationships with other countries which could benefit our country in the future.
Besides the fact this post concerns current and very recent events, it is relevant to any human to have existed: "It would be smart ... for countries around the world to stand together against these terrorist groups".
ReplyDeleteIn her post, Mary discusses recent terrorism attacks, including Paris in Nov. 2015, Brussels this March, and Orlando this June. All atrocities, all needless losses, all tragedy. After mentioning her personal sentiments towards these horrific events, she expresses her appreciation for resulting global unity. Many international communities share their condolences and show their support after such events.
I fully appreciate these acts of kindness, but I sincerely question their long lasting effects. Terrorism has been on the rise in recent years, so perhaps a more concrete global union will form soon; however, as Mary says, "this support should not have to be temporary". How true! We seem to have fluctuations in international comradery. The world seems to be right on a tipping point for growing violence and chaos, especially looking at recent terrorism. As such, there are some partnerships forming to fight as one.
Apart from the UN, NATO, and a few others, not many international coalitions have lasted much beyond the end of crises. Would a more permanent force against terrorism be a good thing? Mary and I both seem to think so. She implores the formation of "an alliance with governments around the world to stop these horrid terrorist groups". As an ironic misfortune, we humans tend to unite extremely well after mind-numbing crises like the ones we've seen. We must make good fortune of the bad and unite! Unite to stop terrorism and solve the world's problems from now to beyond. We are one race on one planet with less and less chances to come back from the brink of destruction.
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ReplyDeleteI loved your article and wrote about it if you'd like to read it.
ReplyDeleteI loved your article and wrote about it if you'd like to read it.